RAM- Shravan Manan
"Ram Sravan Manan" is a musical where we explore episodes from the Ramayana while finding their relevance in the current times. The idea is to understand the character of "Ram" deeply and his relevance today. The play involves beautiful traditional music compositions and drama woven together to bring the "Ramayana" to the audience from a fresh perspective.
This production was staged over 36 times in Delhi including on the opening day of Sahitya Kala Parishad's (Ministry of culture's unit) festival at Shri Ram Centre Auditorium on 19th Sept 2022. It was also staged in Raj Bhavan, Dehradun for the honorary Rajyapal of Uttarakhand on 18th January 2024. "Ram Shravan Manan" is a play (musical), exploring certain episodes from the Ramayana and finding their relevance today.
We`ve all heard the Ramayana from our elders, but have we ever really listened to understand or contemplate? We`ve all looked upto Lord Ram as an ideal man or the "Mariyada Purshottam" but have we tried to understand him and the ideals that he established in order to learn and inculcate them in our lives? Do we actually know and understand Ram or his story?
This play is an attempt by The Trialogue Company to take you on a journey of "Shravan" (listening) and "Manan" (contemplating) the story of Ram and understanding his relevance in today`s society.
The play is a musical that involves rich traditional, classical and folk music along with Drama, weaved together in a Katha-vachan (storytelling) format to take you back to the era of the Ramayana, yet keeping its relevance intact.